SenseMatic Kits

Facilitating Remote Communication

SenseMatic Kits

Facilitating Remote Communication


Smart Automation for Smart Homes and Offices

Safety, Control and Comfort at your fingertips

SenseMatic provides plug-and-play automation of home and office. The battery operated wireless devices and kits are designed to make lives simpler, safer and easier without the hassles of wiring or installation related alterations. 

SenseMatic kits can be a permanent fixture or meant just for the occasion – add that extra security when on Holidays or at important events.

SenseMatic Kit

SenseMatic Kits Capabilities

Smart Monitoring

SenseMatic allows to manage and monitor device installed locations reducing the security risk with IoT, offering:

  • Remote observation from a mobile App, or any internet connection
  • Security alerts tailored for your needs – by hour, by event or a mix of both
  • Cameras and Sensors that require no wires – neither for power, nor for communication
  • Ready to go within hours of you feeling the need
  • 24×7 Remote Monitoring

Smart Controlling

With Energy costs spiraling up, and environmental damage visible for everyone to see, energy management is not just a money saving option, it is also a responsibility

  • Monitor, predict and control energy expenditure
  • Mange and configure using an automation tool, allowing for example, turning on and off lighting circuits, appliances & equipment.
  • Secure cloud based platform that allows control from a beautiful Mobile Phone App or an easy to use Web Page

Smart Pricing

Sensorise assures you of the lowest price and the greatest value from your investments in security and control. We offer a host of options and choices with payment plans that suit every budget and pocket

  • Plans for Outright Purchase with support
  • Monthly Fees based plans
  • Event based Plans


SenseMatic kits

Pack #1: Basic Safety & Energy Kit

Kit Inclusions

  1. One TCP/IP Gateway
  2. One Motion, Temperature, Light & Humidity Sensor
  3. One Window/Door Intrusion Or Opening Sensor
  4. One Smart Plug For Small Appliance
SenseMatic kit

Pack #2: Enhanced Safety, Energy & Comfort Kit​

Kit Inclusions

  1. One TCP/IP Gateway
  2. Two Motion, Temperature & Humidity Sensor
  3. One Smart Plug For Small Appliance
  4. One 4 Button Key Fob Set
  5. One Window/Door Intrusion Or Opening Sensor
SenseMatic kit

Pack #3: Safety & Surveillance, Energy Management And Comfort

Kit Inclusions

  1. One TCP/IP Gateway
  2. One IP Camera
  3. One Siren
  4. One Motion, Temperature, Light & Humidity Sensor
  5. Two Window/Door Intrusion Or Opening Sensor
  6. One 4 Button Key Fob Set
  7. One Smart Plug For A Small Appliance
Get In Touch

M2M/ IoT eSIM connectivity

Sensorise is a market leader in M2M/ IoT Services,  supplying end-to-end solutions in Remote and Lifecycle Management of  M2M SIMs and IoT Devices.
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