Sensorise QoSim Dual SMD Secure – Automotive


The Sensorise QoSim® (M2M SIM) is a dedicated platform specifically designed for environments where standard plug-in SIM cards are not suitable, either for space, or for environmental reasons. The QoSim® (M2M SIM) is a solution that combines traditional smart card security with a more rugged form factor.

This SIM card has a specific form factor i.e. MFF2, which is a JDEC SON-8 intended to be soldered to the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) in a M2M device and is of Automotive Grade. This document provides information about the physical and electrical characteristics of this form factor. Extended life operating system is a M2M specific operating system especially designed to maximize the lifespan of the memory chip, making it more resistant to stress (erase/write cycles) and allowing to have a very low failure rate.

In addition to the form factor the Sensorise QoSim® comes with advanced features such as

  • Multi operator profiles for maximizing the connectivity for mission critical use cases
  • Remote locking (and blocking) of the QoSim to a device
  • Remote diagnostic for tracing connectivity problems

QoSim® Package Feature

Package SON-8 (UELP, QFN, DFN) according to JEDEC Publication 95 Design Guide 4.8 / ETSI TS 102 671 Rel-9 – MFF2 package layout
Dimensions 6 x 5 mm
Operating Temperature -40°C to +105°C
Data Retention 17 years at 85°C 10 years at 105°C
Memory Endurance 500’000 cycle May be enhanced to 1 million plus R/E operations for frequently R/E memory areas by software algorithm
Available Memory 128 kB or more
Operating Voltage 1.62V – 5V (Support of Voltage classes A, B and C)
Electrical Features ISO7816
Automotive Grade Compliance AECQ100 Rev H
ESG Protection >4KV HBM

Embedded Security

Authentication Algorithms Comp-128 v3, Comp 128 v4, Milenage
Symmetric Algorithms DES, 3DES, AES
SW and HW counter measures Single power attacks (SPA) Differential power attacks (DPA) Fault attacks (FA)

Physical Features

Parameter Description Dimensions (mm)
E The package body dimension in the horizontal direction. 6.00 ±0.15
D The package body dimension in the vertical direction. 5.00 ±0.15
L The length of the contact as measured from the edge of the package. 0.60 ±0.15
b The width of the metallised contacts (including lead finish) exposed at the bottom surface of the package. 0.40 ±0.10
E2 The horizontal dimension of the exposed metal heat feature (exposed die pad). Min 3.30
D2 The vertical dimension of the exposed metal heat feature (exposed die pad). Min 3,90
k The gap between any contact and the heat feature. Min 0.20
e The center line-to-center line spacing of the contacts. 1.27


The logical definition of the contacts C1 to C8 shall be as defined in TS 102 221, see also section 4

Terminal ETSI Contact Number Name Function
1 C5 GND Ground
2 C6 NC Not Connected
3 C7 I/O Serial Data
4 C8 NC Not Connected
5 C4 NC Not Connected
6 C3 CLK External Clock Input
7 C2 RST System Reset Input
8 C1 VCC Power

Soldering Profile

Compliant with standard JEDEC J-STD-020C:

  • Package classification reflow temperature: 260°C
  • Lead free packaging compliant to the European Directive for Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS directive)
  • Moisture Sensitivity Level: 3
  • Floor Life Time: 168H 

Electrical Characteristics

The following subsections contains the required characteristics for further details see ETSI TS 102 221

Class A Operating Conditions

Contact Name Symbol Conditions Min Max Unit
C1 VCC VCC   5.5 5.5 V
C2 RST VOH IOHmax = +20 uA 0.7 x VCC VCC V
    VOL IOHmax = -200 uA 0 0.6 V
    tR tF Cin = Cout= 30 pF   400 us
C3 CLK VOH IOHmax = +20 uA 0.7 x VCC VCC V
    VOL IOHmax = -200 uA 0 0.5 V
    tR tF Cin = Cout= 30 pF   9% of
with a
of 0,5 µs
C7 I/O VIH IIHmax = ± 20 uA 0.7 x VCC VCC + 0.3 V
    VIL IILmax = + 1 mA -0.3 0.15 x VCC V
    VOH IOHmax = + 20 uA 3.8 VCC V
    VOL IOHmax = -1 mA 0 1 V
    tR tF Cin = Cout= 30 pF   1 s

Class B Operating Conditions

Contact Name Symbol Conditions Min Max Unit
C1 VCC VCC   2.7 3.3 V
C2 RST VOH IOHmax = +20 uA 0.8 x VCC VCC V
    VOL IOHmax = -200 uA 0 0.2 x VCC V
    tR tF Cin = Cout= 30 pF   400 us
C3 CLK VOH IOHmax = +20 uA 0.7 x VCC VCC V
    VOL IOHmax = -20 uA 0 0.2 x VCC V
    tR tF Cin = Cout= 30 pF   400 uS
C7 I/O VIH IIHmax = ± 20 uA 0.7 x VCC VCC + 0.3 V
    VIL IILmax = + 1 mA -0.3 0.2 x VCC V
    VOH IOHmax = + 20 uA 0.7 x VCC VCC + 0.3 V
    VOL IOHmax = -1 mA 0 0.4 V
    tR tF Cin = Cout= 30 pF   1 us

Class C Operating Conditions

Contact Name Symbol Conditions Min Max Unit
C1 VCC VCC   1.62 1.98 V
C2 RST VOH IOHmax = +20 uA 0.8 x VCC VCC V
    VOL IOHmax = -200 uA 0 0.2 x VCC V
    tR tF Cin = Cout= 30 pF   400 us
C3 CLK VOH IOHmax = +20 uA 0.7 x VCC VCC V
    VOL IOHmax = -20 uA 0 0.2 x VCC V
    tR tF Cin = Cout= 30 pF   50 nS
C7 I/O VIH IIHmax = ± 20 uA 0.7 x VCC VCC + 0.3 V
    VIL IILmax = + 1 mA -0.3 0.2 x VCC V
    VOH IOHmax = + 20 uA 0.7 x VCC VCC V
    VOL IOHmax = -1 mA 0 0.3 V
    tR tF Cin = Cout= 30 pF   100 us


Sensorise delivers the QoSim® package in volumes using tape reel packing method, in either 1000 pieces or 3000 pieces per reel.

The shelf-life for dry-packed SMD packages shall be a minimum of 12 months from the bag seal date, when stored in a non-condensing atmospheric environment of <40 °C/90% RH.

For certain restricted requirements, Sensorise may be able to support packages in reel size of 100.

Part Number

The QoSim® Assure Dual SMD Automotive is given a part number 208DECxCZ.

The small x is an identifier that takes on values exemplified below:

x = I, when the chip is Infineon Make; Part Number 208DECICZ

x = S, when the chip is ST Microelectronics Make; Part Number 208DECICZ

Standards Compliance

Document Name Version
ISO 7816 Parts 1&3 Identification cards-Integrated circuit(s) cards with contacts, Part 1: Physical characteristics. Part 3: Electronic signals and transmission protocols V2004
Java Card Java Card Virtual Machine Specification JC2.2.1
Global Platform Global Platform Card Specification GP2.1.1
3GPP TS 23.040 Technical realization of Short Message Service (SMS) Point-To-Point Release 6
3GPP TS 23.041 Technical realization of Short Message Service (SMS) Cell Broadcast Release 6
3GPP TS 23.048 Security Mechanisms for the SIM application toolkit; Stage 2 V5.8.0
3GPP TS 31.101 UICC-Terminal Interface; Physical and Logical Characteristics Release 6
3GPP TS 31.102 Characteristics of the USIM Application Release 6
3GPP TS 31.110 Numbering system for telecommunication IC card applications V4.1.0
3GPP TS 31.111 USIM Application Toolkit (USAT) Release 6
3GPP TS 31.115 Secured packet structure for (U)SIM Toolkit applications Release 6
3GPP TS 31.116 Remote APDU Structure for (U)SIM Toolkit applications Release 6
TS 31.130 (U)SIM Application Programming Interface API; (U)SIM API for Java Card(TM) (ETSI 102.241 – UICC API) Release 6
3GPP TS 43.019 Specification of the SIM Application Programming Interface For Java Card Release 6
3GPP TS 51.011 Specification of the Subscriber Identity Module – Mobile Equipment (SIM- ME) interface Release 5
3GPP TS 51.013 Test specification for Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) Application Programming Interface (API) for Java Card™  V5.4.0
3GPP TS 51.014 Specification of the SIM Application Toolkit for the Subscriber Identity Module – Mobile Equipment (SIM ME) interface V4.2.0
ETSI TS 102.127 Transport protocol for CAT applications Stage 2 V6.9.0
ETSI TS 102.220 Integrated Circuit Cards (ICC) Numbering system V6.5.0
ETSI TS 102.221 Physical and logical characteristics V8.2.0
ETSI TS 102.222 Integrated Circuit Cards (ICC); Administrative commands for Telecommunications applications V6.11.0
ETSI TS 102.223 Smart cards; Card Application Toolkit (CAT) V6.5.0
ETSI TS 102.225 Secured Packet structure for UICC based applications V6.4.0
ETSI TS 102.226 Remote APDU Structure for UICC based applications V6.8.0
ETSI TS 102.230 Physical, Electrical and Logical tests Specification. V5.1.0
ETSI TS 102.241 UICC Application Programming Interface for Java Card™ V6.12.0
ETSI TS 102.267 Connection Oriented Service API for Java Card V7.0.0
ETSI TS 102.268 Test specification for UICC API V6.0.0
ETSI TS 102.431 Test specification for the Transport Protocol of CAT Applications V7.0.0
ETSI TS 102.671 Machine-to-machine UICC; Physical and logical characteristics V9.0.0
ETSI TS 102.613 UICC – Contactless Front-end (CLF) Interface V7.3.0
TEC/IR/WS/ESM-101/01/MAR-19 Telecom Engineering Centre, Government of India, Embedded Subscriber Identity Module (eSIM) Interface Requirement Date 31st March 2019


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