World IoT Day

QoSec: Security by Design; End to End Encryption

  • Background

IoT Devices and Solutions expose new cyber and physical attack surfaces, that are much larger than the Mobile and the Internet.

  • Need

The massive number of emerging use cases and the evolution in wireless networking technologies, give rise to the need for managing the many diverse ecosystems and use cases that use connected objects which connect to, and are manageable from, the internet. Security is the first foundation requirement in such a situation. For implementing security, it is important that IoT devices are identified using a globally unique identity, and that the identity storage is tamper resistant. Once such a foundation is available, classification of devices and use device-based applications may be possible. Such classification can then provide a basis for assignment of Security Profiles.

  • Offering

Sensorise QoSec is a full stack of capabilities offering end to end encryption of data communicated between the IoT device and the internet-based applications.

QoSec Client keeps track of the pre-shared keys and security algorithms on the Device side. QoSec Server is responsible for Authenticating the client and the exchange of session keys. The IoT Application is provided session keys which enables TLS type security between any basic IoT device and the corresponding IoT Application.

  • USP

No more man in the middle attacks, or worries for massive security infrastructure expenses

  • Contact

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M2M/ IoT eSIM connectivity

Sensorise is a market leader in M2M/ IoT Services,  supplying end-to-end solutions in Remote and Lifecycle Management of  M2M SIMs and IoT Devices.
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